Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hi everyone!!!!! This is my excited face (don't mind that I'm not wearing any makeup, or that my hair looks kind of crazy... I woke up at 5:15!). I'm waiting in the Orlando Airport for my flight to Philadelphia. I love traveling, and I'm kind of obsessed with airports, but there are a few things that I really dislike about traveling that I never remember until I'm actually at the airport....

1. TSA. I know that it's a necessary evil, and I'm grateful that they keep us safe, but I HATE standing around barefoot waiting for my shoes to pass through the machine.

2. Being by myself in an airport. I actually really enjoy traveling by myself until I have to get up and go to the bathroom, and take all of my things with me because nobody's there to watch any of it...

3. Weird ladies who have their makeup and hair completely done at 6 in the morning, complete with red lipstick and blush. Enough said...

4. Feeling rushed when I'm at the airport. I arrived 1.5 hours early so that I didn't have to stress about getting to my gate on time, so don't make ME feel like I have to rush to gather my things after I go through security!

Andddd that's about it. I'm so excited to get to Philadelphia and explore! It's going to be a nice two days, haha. Thanks for reading!

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